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0001 - Brooklyn (2004)
Musique: Barri McPherson • Mark Schoenfeld
Paroles: Barri McPherson • Mark Schoenfeld
Livret: Barri McPherson • Mark Schoenfeld
Production originale:
3 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Résumé  Liste chansons  


Résumé: Using a play within a play concept, it focuses on a group of five ragtag less musicians known as the City Weeds who periodically transforms a street corner under the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge into a stage where they present their play about Parisian singer Brooklyn, named after the New York City borough from which her wayward father Taylor hailed. Orphaned when her depressed mother Faith hangs herself, the girl in quick succession is sent to live in a convent where she discovers her vocal talents, becomes a star, performs at Carnegie Hall, sets out in search of her father (who she discovers is a drug-addicted Vietnam War vet), and engages in a competition with local diva Paradice at Madison Square Garden.

Création: 30/4/2004 - Civic Center (Denver) - représ.